The Futures Institute

Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program

The Apprenticeship Building America grant provides the opportunity to increase apprenticeship programs centered on equity and workforce development. This grant aims to expand and modernize Registered Apprenticeship through expanding the number of programs and apprentices, diversifying the industries that utilize Registered Apprenticeship, and increasing access to and completion of RAPs for underrepresented populations and underserved communities.


The grant funds organizations to provide a pre-apprenticeship program model that encompasses education, occupational skills training, leadership development, and high-quality post-program placement opportunities to opportunity youth. YouthBuild is a community-based alternative education program for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who left high school prior to graduation and who also have other risk factors, including being an adjudicated youth, a youth aging out of foster care, a youth with disabilities, a migrant farmworker youth, a youth experiencing housing instability, and other disadvantaged youth populations.