Volunteer Generation Fund
Published by rose s on
Volunteer Generation Fund
The FY23 Volunteer Generation Fund provides funding for local school services. This grant develops and/or supports community based-entities to recruit, manage, and support volunteers in support of the National Partnership for Student Success. NPSS is a nationwide three-year effort that brings together experienced organizations to recruit, screen, train, support, and engage an additional 250,000 caring adults in roles serving as tutors, mentors, student success coaches, wraparound service coordinators, and post-secondary transition coaches.
Eligible Uses
Local school projects in low-income schools.
Grant Award
Minimum: $100,000
Maximum: $1,000,000
Native American tribes, institutions of higher education, local governments (including school districts and K-12 schools), nonprofit organizations, state service commissions, and state governments (including US territories)
Match requirements increase with each year and are as follows:
• 20 percent in the first year
• 30 percent in the second year
• 40 percent in the third year
• 50 percent in the fourth year and any later year in which a recipient receives a VGF
Due Date
May 16th, 2023
Department of Labor (Americorps)
Materials Needed
Application Difficulty
Investing in youth, education, and community spaces is essential for both boosting the economy and making communities safer and more stable. Increasing educational attainment decreases the likelihood of future incarceration. Improving school quality reduces the probability of serious crimes and incarceration. And increasing investments in counselors, social-emotional learning, and wraparound services—while reducing the use of school police—will help end the school-to-prison pipeline while helping every child succeed. There are numerous studies exemplifying the variety of investments in youth, education, and community spaces that make communities safer spaces for everyone.
Programs to support students’ social and emotional well-being have been found to reduce total arrests by as much as 35 percent, violent crime arrests by as much as 50 percent, and, for program youth in juvenile detention facilities, recidivism by 21 percent. A recent study looked at the effects of a change in Michigan law that increased spending on schools in low-income areas, focusing on students who experienced the increase in elementary school. The resulting decrease in adult crime rates was so large that the law ended up saving the state money overall. Robust research shows that correctional education programs are one of our most effective ways to reduce recidivism and increase employment opportunities upon reentry.
Socioeconomic segregation of schools has been found to increase violent crime, suggesting that promoting more diverse and integrated schools could reduce violence. Youth-focused sports and therapy programming can reduce the likelihood of future arrests for a violent crime by 50 percent. High-quality afterschool programs have broadly positive impacts for children. By providing a safe space that promotes students’ health and development, these programs can reduce drug use and decrease arrests and other forms of criminal-legal involvement among children.
Programs focused on wraparound education services in high risk areas have been shown to reduce juvenile arrests as well as child abuse cases. Research also shows that high school graduation rates are generally associated with positive public safety outcomes and lower crime rates for communities. Early childhood intervention programs, as well as nutrition programs for newborns, are likely to reduce crime.
In short, investing in the next generation is one of the most important ways that communities can promote safety, not just today, but for years to come.
Grants.Gov Resources
Applicant Training Videos (step-by-step guide on how to find grants, set up an account on grants.gov, and submit an application)
Applicant FAQ page
Other Resources
Community Toolbox’s Applying For Grants Toolkit (Outline of process + example applications)
Q: What is community safety?
A: We use the term “community safety” as well as “non-carceral safety” to indicate an approach to reducing violence and harm that invests in people over punishment. This can include unarmed civilian first responders and community violence prevention, but must also center preventative and root-caused focused solutions such as investments in schools, healthcare, and the environment. These solutions not only create holistic safety by improving well-being, they have been directly tied to reductions in violence.
Q: How do the grants in the American Rescue Plan and other recent bills fit into this database?
A: This database contains grants contained both in specific legislation (like the American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act, and the Inflation Reduction act) but it focuses primarily on grants funded annually through the federal budget process. Please see our resources specifically on ARPA and IIJA for more information on funding opportunities in those bills.
Q: Where should I go if I have additional questions?
A: Feel free to reach out to samwashington@civilrightscorps.org with questions or comments. If you’d like to suggest a grant, please fill out this form.